Studio and Grip. White Board

Before we had even finished building our studio Oliver from 90Seconds was in to make a white board animation. The DOP was Mari with Sam working out the tech stuff.

The brief was to film a cartoonist drawing a set of images on a white board that would then be sped up into a little animation.

Simple? Yes, but the job still needed exactly the skills and equipment FrameDogs offer.

  • The white board needed to stay frame static for the duration of the shoot. We mounted it on a supremely heavy stills tripod and then sandbagged it in position.


  • Mari needed to shoot directly at 45degrees down with a high POV, our solid shoot table gave her a platform and more sandbags kept it in place, our heavy Sachtler sticks and Miller Arrow 25 head were able to lock her camera still for five hours, even at a severe tilt


  • The cartoonist needed to see framing, we rigged a directors monitor for the purpose


  • The lighting rig was simple but enhanced by a 4*8 scrim to provide a large but gentle source





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